Aah, New Year. The time when we all decide that “THIS year, is the year that I’m going to…[detox, go hangliding, ride a bike, START RUNNING]” with our new years resolutions!
Well, why not let us help? I know that a lot of us decide that running is on the list, from personal experience as well, and how hard it can be to keep that motivation going.
If you need a kick start, or an extra boost to get you outside during the dreich winter months, we can definitely help you. Our award winning guides are all also trained JogScotland leaders, accustomed to taking groups of all levels. We’ve taken everyone from olympians to first time joggers, and with frequent breaks for stories, the time will race by 😉
Come join us in 2018, just head to the Book a Tour page and find a time which suits you!